Things are changing…

Things are changing around here this year…

God radically changed my life twenty years ago when I started studying His Word simply and consistently, asking the Holy Spirit to show me the truth and what it looked like in my daily life. I was already a believer but had been living life on my own steam and had spiralled down to a very dark place. Ever since then I have been passionate about helping other women to discover how they, too, can read the Bible this way, long portions (whole books when possible) and in context, and learn doctrine and its application for themselves. This passion became a dream of a place where women could come together and be encouraged to know and apply God’s Word to every area of their lives and in 2015 our Valley Women’s Encouragement Conference was born, first as a very simple homeschool conference with a few ladies and recorded videos, then quickly growing to a two-day event with multiple speakers, handmade meals, music, giveaways, shopping and lots and lots of chocolate. It has been exciting and humbling to see what God has done with that dream and I appreciate all who have joined us for encouragement each year! Thank you to each one of you.

I am very sorry to announce that I will not be having a conference in 2024. We have made so many great friends in these past nine years and we will miss seeing you all in September, but if you would like to join in on some fellowship and encouragement with our wonderful Weston church family you are welcome any Sunday throughout the year. Our service begins at 10:30am, we have a 9:30am prayer time before the service for anyone interested, and we also enjoy lunch together every week. Come prepared to potluck (bring a dish to share or bring your own bag lunch) and plan to hang around for an afternoon of fellowship! We will be watching for you.

So many people have given their time and abilities to make my dream of an encouragement conference happen, for which I’ll always be so grateful. It’s been a tremendous blessing! Thank you! I am also so thankful that my church allowed me the use of the building, provided financially so we could prepare delicious meals to nourish your bodies as well as your souls, and generally supported all of our efforts to pour into your lives over the years. Thank you, Weston Christian Fellowship!

I greatly encourage you all to pursue Christ with all that you have!